The S&P 500 is now at an 11-year low – what’s next?
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November 21, 2008 by 5 Comments
A blog about trading, finances, success and life itself
Born and raised in New York but now living in New Jersey with a beautiful & loving wife, and two fantastic kids (boy and a girl). This site is about the stock market, success and life … [Read More...]
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The chart is amazing. The drop from the high of 2007 to yesterday is a record breaking steep drop. Lets hope for a V chart bottom that quickly corrects this sell-off.
I am curious about something:
what date does the S&P match, correcting for inflation? Since prices have risen since 1997,
our 740’s S&P must be considerably less than the 740 of 1997, mustn’t it?
Or does the fact that there are dividend returns somehow cancel this out? I wouldn’t think so.
On this timescale it does not really look like a chart pattern — it looks like what happens to a stock when the company makes a surprise announcement that the last five years’ profits were really losses, or that the president and several members of the board of directors have been indicted by the Feds.
I see the break through support was on large volume….could be a capitulation sell-off and be an intermediate bottom?? Analyst Yamada says we are headed for S&P 600 to 400 range. My view is we probably won’t see any kind of recovery before the New Year and that investors are unsure and uncertain about the E in the PE. Thanks Chris for all your analysis. Janet
A huge year end rally of course!!! This market is so backwards what else would you expect. We’ll be at 1100 in a few weeks in the largest short squeeze in the history of the stock market. Or…not.