Updating MSW Stocks

A small void has been left on the blog over the past several days due to my focus on the daily and weekly screens for MSW. After the death of a family member, I felt I needed to perform detailed analysis of the best possible opportunities according to my research for the members of the community. Now that the week is over, I will start to answer member questions on the blog, post up new articles, case studies and interesting stock market topics.

With March coming to a close (the end of the first quarter), I want to reflect on some of the stocks that I have been covering each and every week, specifically the successful MSW Index members.

MSW Index Stocks making moves in 2006:
OXPS – up over 33% since 11/12/05
NTRI – up over 11% in one month
TWGP – up over 10% in one month
TS – up more than 63% YTD
STRL – up 20% in two months
NETL – up over 75% in less than five months
PMCS – up about 10% in one month
NWRE – up almost 50% in five months
CAMP – up over 20% in March
HANS – up over 20% in the past two weeks (200%+ in 10 months on MSW)
LMS – up over 17% in the past week (former MSW All-Star)
CBG – up 37% YTD (up over 120% since covered on MSW last May)

Now compare the stocks above to the Major Indexes:
NASDAQ – up 6.23% YTD
DOW – up 4.48% YTD

Thirteen of the current twenty two members on the MSW Index have been added after February 1, 2006 with eight of those stocks added after March 1, 2006 and two of those stocks added after April 1, 2006. The Index is fresh with new faces and I look to add a new class of stocks to the MSW All-Star list by the end of 2006. Results are not guaranteed but no one can dispute the consistency I have had over the years covering many of the largest winners in the market.

The image in this blog contains the top 15 All-Star stocks that I have covered on MSW since 2004. A covered stock is one that appears each and every week on the MSW Index during its time on MSW, not a stock that appears once in 2005 and then once again in 2006. Besides, all of my 2004 and 2005 archives are being transferred into basic HTML pages for everyone to review. You can see how my research has expanded, evolved and formatted into what it is today. Anyone can now follow the coverage of a specific stock from week to week in the MSW archives. When we are done formatting the pages into HTML, I will generate a link on the blog that takes you to a quick pick page!


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